Thursday, June 30, 2022


 My lover the wind teases me with soft caresses.

Seducing me with whispers of a forgotten tongue.

Connected to all, she brings me messages 

From far away and times long gone.

I find stillness in the motion

I find flight while on the ground

Swimming in an ethereal ocean 

Wrapped in a cloud, the stars are my crown.

Inhaling her essence, I become one

My soul is not sole, I am part of the whole 

Sharing our secrets away from the sun

Ancient and hidden the tales untold

The language of zephyrs

The songs of chinook 

Sharing lessons of forever

Yet using no book 

Singing altogether in layered harmony

The owl, the howl, the croak, the chirp

In the deep of the night I can just be

Alone and at one with the wind and the earth