Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Lunar Power

Tonight I stood under the moon,
I breathed the air of what's coming soon
The pieces of my broken dreams
Were mended by her silver beams
And when I felt I couldn't cope
I'm filled again with good hope
The moon with power over the tide
has changed the pull from inside
And in her muted light I see
the power that belongs to me.
Let go the pain that I feel
And now I may begin to heal
Tonight I share the moon above
so we can bathe in her love.
But magick just doesn't brew
only when the moon is blue
You should bask in her every night
Come glow in her cooling light
Feel the peace of her touch
aid you to accomplish much
Then the magick will begin
when you realize it's from within!
(c) Pamela McAfee 9/1/2012

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Catch The Magick

 Wishing I could console a friend,

wishing I could make amends,

wishing I could find solace...

Wishing I could have one kiss.

As I think of being alone,
sitting here on my own.
I will remember we share the stars.
We catch the magick and make it ours.

Life is what happens

 Life is what happens:

At 3 in the morning my mind won't relax
My thoughts race amok in my mind on one track
Caught in the headlights of my future so bright
I'm paralyzed and won't move, frozen in fright.
Day in and day out, stuck in routine,
strolling the halls of, "what might have been."
I can see the promise of what lies in store
If only I had courage to walk out my door.
So safe in my room each day I hide,
trying to learn to take it in stride
Because, life is what happens without our consent
Time has no conscience, it doesn't relent.
I sift through the bullshit to find what is real
The currency that matters is one you can't steal.
At 3 in the morning, I'm anywhere but here
I'm lost in the night, dancing with fear.
Life isn't happening, it's caught in stasis.
I shouldn't be here, I know where my place is.
(c) Pamela McAfee 5/17/2013 (at 3 in the morning)

My Secret Smile

 A Samhain Time From Long Ago:

So many years ago when Saturn returned,
Who knew the lessons yet unlearned?
We were adrift in a sea of friends that night
Sailing in our darkness, we somehow felt the light
That attracts two lost and kindred souls
To safety amongst the rocks and shoals
Each day I lost more of my heart
On this path I did not chart
And you were hard like cold dark steel
whose secret chinks would not reveal
That you were one who did feel pain
and I was one who could be strong again.
In my arms you could yield
My caring heart would be your shield
I gave you my shoulder, you lent me your hand
And gave me strength so I could stand.
You know I loved you, your bad boy style!
You remain my secret smile.
And though our paths one day did part
You took with you a piece of my heart
You brought me music, you brought me thrills
You took me from a life that kills
the dreams of those like you and me
You changed my life, you set me free
Now you are gone and I still live
This Samhain maybe I'll forgive
My shield was not there to spare
but I hope you know that I did care
I couldn't take away your pain
If I could hold you once again
I would tell you there is hope
Even when you cannot cope
Words are empty when they fall
on your ears if I can't call
Maybe you thought you went alone
But you took a piece of my heart that you own
I hope it's so you will know me when we meet again
We always promised that we'd still be friends
This is not over...